Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Hyper text narrative - Business Management


Business Management 2.0

Business Management 2.0

A hypertext narrative by

ali asjad

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1227

Choice count: 70

Section count: 42

Image count: 42

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis

Education : 87 matches

(campus, choice, college, graduation, management, reader, school, test)

Archaeology : 32 matches

(here, keep, study)

Web development : 17 matches

(break, content, drop, stop, test, write)

Target Structure: (1 matches)

retirement (6 matches)


Business Management 2.0

Start of a journey.

I'm studying Business Management at Ahuntsic College. After being here for 2 years, I am completely demotivated, and I am looking for new ways. The next year will be my final year of college, and I don't if I should continue with my studies or not.

Choice 1 : Continue with my studies.

Choice 2 : Drop out.

College Ahuntsic

Continue with my studies.

Yes, finally I am done with my studies. What should I do now?

Choice 1 : Apply to UQAM.

Choice 2 : Look for a job.


Drop out.

I don't think school is for me, it's been so tough lately. Should I look for a job unsteadily or go on vacations?

Choice 1 : Go on vacations.

Choice 2 : Look for a job.

drop out

Apply to UQAM.

Here I am at UQAM, I have made so many new friends but should I go party with them or stay in my dorm room to study for tomorrows test.

Choice 1 : Study hard.

Choice 2 : Start partying.


Go on vacations.

I need a break now and what can be better than going on vacations.

Choice 1 : Bahamas.

Choice 2 : North Korea.


Study hard.

If I want to be successful in life, then I should study hard for it.

Choice 1 : Graduation.


Interviewing for a job.

My interview went well but should I accept the job or not?

Choice 1 : Accepting the job.

Choice 2 : Refusing the job.


Become a YouTuber.

I know what I should do, I will become a YouTuber and make millions of dollars annually. But I am not having any success and just have 5 subscribers.

Choice 1 : Keep posting.

Choice 2 : Stop making videos.


Accepting the job.

By accepting this job, I will eventually be stuck here for the rest of my life. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Working for the company for the next 40 years.

Choice 2 : Resign.


Refusing the job.

I need a break for some time.

Choice 1 : Decide not to work.

Choice 2 : Go on vacations.


Working for the company for the next 40 years.

I am 65 now and have been working here for the past 40 years. But I am not financially stable, should I retire of keep working?

Choice 1 : Keep working.

Choice 2 : Retirement.


Becoming a successful YouTuber and making millions of dollars.

Oh! My god, I am rich what should I do with all that money?

Choice 1 : Start saving.

Choice 2 : Spending lavishly.



Finally retired. It's been a long journey, but now it's time to enjoy at the age of 65.

Choice 1 : Go on vacations.

Choice 2 : Start partying.

Choice 3 : Enjoying retirement.


Keep working.

I am feeling seek and can't work any longer.

Choice 1 : Decide not to work.

Choice 2 : Illness.



I am not feeling very well.

Choice 1 : Death.



End of journey mate.

Write a choice here.


Enjoying retirement.

Spending time with family and relaxing.

Choice 1 : Illness.


Look for a job.

With the qualifications I have, where should I apply for?

Choice 1 : Interview at Costco.

Choice 2 : Interview at MC Donald's.


Decide not to work.

I don't think that I am made for this. I can't work like other people from 9 to 5.

Choice 1 : Become a YouTuber.

Choice 2 : Broke.


Interview at Costco.

Here I am at Costco, am I ready to spend my whole career here or are there other ways.

Choice 1 : Working at Costco for the next 40 years.

Choice 2 : Become a YouTuber.

Choice 3 : Go back to school.


Working at Costco for the next 40 years.

It's been 40 years here at Costco, but I don't have enough money to retire what should I do?

Choice 1 : Keep working.

Choice 2 : Retirement.


Go back to school.

Here I am back at school, man the party life here is lit.

Choice 1 : Study hard.

Choice 2 : Start partying.

back to school

Interview at MC Donald's.

Man here I am at MC Donald's but I am not well paid, what should I do?

Choice 1 : Work at MC Donald's for the next 40 years.

Choice 2 : Become a YouTuber.

Choice 3 : Go back to school.


Work at MC Donald's for the next 40 years.

I have spent 40 years of my life here and now at 65, I still do not have enough money to retire.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Choice 2 : Keep working.


Become a Youtuber.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.

Keep posting.

I am being very consistent and posting a lot of content here and gaining views.

Choice 1 : Becoming a successful YouTuber and making millions of dollars.

Choice 2 : Stop making videos.


Stop making videos.

I have stopped posting on YouTube, what should be my next move?

Choice 1 : Look for a job.

Choice 2 : Go back to school.


Back to Canada.

That was an adventurous journey. But what next?

Choice 1 : Continue with my studies.

Choice 2 : Look for a job.


Go back home safely.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


No, I can't keep working for 40 years like that.

Choice 1 : Go on vacations.

Choice 2 : Decide not to work.


North Korea.

That's the craziest think I have ever done in my life. Man Kim Jong Un is a joke, LOL.

Choice 1 : Getting jailed for making fun of Kim Jon Un.

Choice 2 : Back to Canada.



The Bahamas is so fun.

Choice 1 : Buying drugs from locals.

Choice 2 : Back to Canada.


Getting jailed for making fun of Kim Jon Un.

I am done now, I won't see my family back again.

Choice 1 : Getting jailed for the rest of my life.


Start saving.

I should save money, or I will end up broke.

Choice 1 : Go on vacations.


Spending lavishly.

Why should I waste my time saving when I can spend money crazily, and have fun.

Choice 1 : Broke.

Choice 2 : Start partying.



I am homeless now, I don't have any money for rent, food, and clothes.

Choice 1 : Illness.


Quit YouTube.

I am getting bored with YouTube.

Choice 1 : Look for a job.


Start partying.

Partying is so much fun, and I will do it even harder now.

Choice 1 : Broke.


Getting kicked out of the campus.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


I am finally done with studies. It was a long journey.

Choice 1 : Interviewing for a job.

Choice 2 : Go on vacations.


Buying drugs from locals.

I'll buy some drugs from the locals here, I've heard it's good.

Choice 1 : Back to Canada.

Choice 2 : Getting jailed for the rest of my life.


Getting jailed for the rest of my life.

No, I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail. I should have made better choices.

Choice 1 : Illness.


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