Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Hyper text narrative - Business Management


Business Management 2.0

Business Management 2.0

A hypertext narrative by

ali asjad

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1227

Choice count: 70

Section count: 42

Image count: 42

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis

Education : 87 matches

(campus, choice, college, graduation, management, reader, school, test)

Archaeology : 32 matches

(here, keep, study)

Web development : 17 matches

(break, content, drop, stop, test, write)

Target Structure: (1 matches)

retirement (6 matches)


Business Management 2.0

Start of a journey.

I'm studying Business Management at Ahuntsic College. After being here for 2 years, I am completely demotivated, and I am looking for new ways. The next year will be my final year of college, and I don't if I should continue with my studies or not.

Choice 1 : Continue with my studies.

Choice 2 : Drop out.

College Ahuntsic

Continue with my studies.

Yes, finally I am done with my studies. What should I do now?

Choice 1 : Apply to UQAM.

Choice 2 : Look for a job.


Drop out.

I don't think school is for me, it's been so tough lately. Should I look for a job unsteadily or go on vacations?

Choice 1 : Go on vacations.

Choice 2 : Look for a job.

drop out

Apply to UQAM.

Here I am at UQAM, I have made so many new friends but should I go party with them or stay in my dorm room to study for tomorrows test.

Choice 1 : Study hard.

Choice 2 : Start partying.


Go on vacations.

I need a break now and what can be better than going on vacations.

Choice 1 : Bahamas.

Choice 2 : North Korea.


Study hard.

If I want to be successful in life, then I should study hard for it.

Choice 1 : Graduation.


Interviewing for a job.

My interview went well but should I accept the job or not?

Choice 1 : Accepting the job.

Choice 2 : Refusing the job.


Become a YouTuber.

I know what I should do, I will become a YouTuber and make millions of dollars annually. But I am not having any success and just have 5 subscribers.

Choice 1 : Keep posting.

Choice 2 : Stop making videos.


Accepting the job.

By accepting this job, I will eventually be stuck here for the rest of my life. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Working for the company for the next 40 years.

Choice 2 : Resign.


Refusing the job.

I need a break for some time.

Choice 1 : Decide not to work.

Choice 2 : Go on vacations.


Working for the company for the next 40 years.

I am 65 now and have been working here for the past 40 years. But I am not financially stable, should I retire of keep working?

Choice 1 : Keep working.

Choice 2 : Retirement.


Becoming a successful YouTuber and making millions of dollars.

Oh! My god, I am rich what should I do with all that money?

Choice 1 : Start saving.

Choice 2 : Spending lavishly.



Finally retired. It's been a long journey, but now it's time to enjoy at the age of 65.

Choice 1 : Go on vacations.

Choice 2 : Start partying.

Choice 3 : Enjoying retirement.


Keep working.

I am feeling seek and can't work any longer.

Choice 1 : Decide not to work.

Choice 2 : Illness.



I am not feeling very well.

Choice 1 : Death.



End of journey mate.

Write a choice here.


Enjoying retirement.

Spending time with family and relaxing.

Choice 1 : Illness.


Look for a job.

With the qualifications I have, where should I apply for?

Choice 1 : Interview at Costco.

Choice 2 : Interview at MC Donald's.


Decide not to work.

I don't think that I am made for this. I can't work like other people from 9 to 5.

Choice 1 : Become a YouTuber.

Choice 2 : Broke.


Interview at Costco.

Here I am at Costco, am I ready to spend my whole career here or are there other ways.

Choice 1 : Working at Costco for the next 40 years.

Choice 2 : Become a YouTuber.

Choice 3 : Go back to school.


Working at Costco for the next 40 years.

It's been 40 years here at Costco, but I don't have enough money to retire what should I do?

Choice 1 : Keep working.

Choice 2 : Retirement.


Go back to school.

Here I am back at school, man the party life here is lit.

Choice 1 : Study hard.

Choice 2 : Start partying.

back to school

Interview at MC Donald's.

Man here I am at MC Donald's but I am not well paid, what should I do?

Choice 1 : Work at MC Donald's for the next 40 years.

Choice 2 : Become a YouTuber.

Choice 3 : Go back to school.


Work at MC Donald's for the next 40 years.

I have spent 40 years of my life here and now at 65, I still do not have enough money to retire.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Choice 2 : Keep working.


Become a Youtuber.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.

Keep posting.

I am being very consistent and posting a lot of content here and gaining views.

Choice 1 : Becoming a successful YouTuber and making millions of dollars.

Choice 2 : Stop making videos.


Stop making videos.

I have stopped posting on YouTube, what should be my next move?

Choice 1 : Look for a job.

Choice 2 : Go back to school.


Back to Canada.

That was an adventurous journey. But what next?

Choice 1 : Continue with my studies.

Choice 2 : Look for a job.


Go back home safely.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


No, I can't keep working for 40 years like that.

Choice 1 : Go on vacations.

Choice 2 : Decide not to work.


North Korea.

That's the craziest think I have ever done in my life. Man Kim Jong Un is a joke, LOL.

Choice 1 : Getting jailed for making fun of Kim Jon Un.

Choice 2 : Back to Canada.



The Bahamas is so fun.

Choice 1 : Buying drugs from locals.

Choice 2 : Back to Canada.


Getting jailed for making fun of Kim Jon Un.

I am done now, I won't see my family back again.

Choice 1 : Getting jailed for the rest of my life.


Start saving.

I should save money, or I will end up broke.

Choice 1 : Go on vacations.


Spending lavishly.

Why should I waste my time saving when I can spend money crazily, and have fun.

Choice 1 : Broke.

Choice 2 : Start partying.



I am homeless now, I don't have any money for rent, food, and clothes.

Choice 1 : Illness.


Quit YouTube.

I am getting bored with YouTube.

Choice 1 : Look for a job.


Start partying.

Partying is so much fun, and I will do it even harder now.

Choice 1 : Broke.


Getting kicked out of the campus.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


I am finally done with studies. It was a long journey.

Choice 1 : Interviewing for a job.

Choice 2 : Go on vacations.


Buying drugs from locals.

I'll buy some drugs from the locals here, I've heard it's good.

Choice 1 : Back to Canada.

Choice 2 : Getting jailed for the rest of my life.


Getting jailed for the rest of my life.

No, I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail. I should have made better choices.

Choice 1 : Illness.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Office politics


Office politics a very common subject in the workplace environment because it’s something very common and part of daily life. I am someone who has been a part of that environment and talking about my own experience, it’s something you don’t intentionally plan on being a part but sometimes you just get sucked up into. It can cause some very nasty effects on your work because it can undermine your work when you have people all around you hinder your way and withholding information. My only advice is to stay away from that environment and stay focused in your own tasks. With that no one will try undermining your work and if you are getting sucked up in right now, try to have a talk and see how it goes. And if you got sucked up just don't try undermine someone's work and don't withhold information.

Career Summary

Sales representative | Virtual Writing Tutor

Sales representative


If you are fascinated about business and want to learn more about it than you should read this articles because I will be talking about sales representatives. Being a good salesman is a actually an skill that some people have naturally and, you surely have those skills too. I will be talking about what is it like being a sales representative, what do they now, where do they work and how much are they actually paid after all we are in the business of money making.

What is it like to be sales representative?

Being a sales representative is a sweet and sour kind of job. Being a sales representative means to master the art of selling, and it's a skill than not everyone can master. When you are a sales representative you are working almost every day, and you have to move a lot throughout the day from one meeting to another. It's a challenging job but also very fun because it's not repetitive, and you have the chance to learn every single day.

What do sales representatives do?

They answer customers questions about merchandise and guide them throughout their journey of buying a product or service. As a sales representative you have to assist customers with purchase decisions. Retrieves merchandise from sales floor, stock room, or other inventory locations; places special orders. Collects payment using the store point of sale system.

What do sales representatives do on a typical day?

Sales representative have a very flexible scheduled set according to their meeting with clients. Mostly they have to go meet clients and figure out their needs as a customer. A typical day can also be spent in an office doing some paper work and replying to emails or looking for new customers.

Where do sales representatives work?

Sales representative can work directly from their office, but they can also be found doing there work at a client's office or at home.

How can I become sales representative?

To become a sales representative in Canada, you will need a Bachelor's degree as well as at least two years of working experience in your field.

How much money do sales representatives make?

The average salary for this position in Canada ranges from $33, 000 to $67, 000 per year, depending on the amount of experience you have.

What kinds of additional training do sales representatives need?

They mostly need to experience in the field, so they can be hired by a big company, but you can start your journey as a retail salesperson. Most of the training is done at college.

What are the dangers of being sales representative?

There are no physical dangers of being a representative but there is a lot of stress related to the job which can occur with low sales in the company or issues with customers

What are the chances that sales representatives will be replaced by robots soon?

Sales representative is a job which requires trust, good communication and other important factors which can only be found in humans so there are very low chances that robots can one day replace sales representatives.

What age do sales representatives retire at?

The average age is 60.


I personally would like to become a sales representative after completing my bachelors degree in university. Currently I am learning about sales at work by greeting customers and building a trustworthy relationship with them.

Sources and RADARS ratings

Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/publicpensions/cpp/cpp-benefit/eligibility.html

Rationale: to inform or educate

Authority: government

Date: still relevant

Accuracy: probably true

Relevance: relevant for this document

Sources: cites sources

Source: https://canadianvisa.org/blog/immigration/immigrate-sales-representative#:~:text=To%20become%20a%20sales%20representative,amount%20of%20experience%20you%20have.

Rationale: to inform or educate

Authority: government

Date: still relevant

Accuracy: probably true

Relevance: relevant for this document

Sources: cites sources


Word count: 478

Error count: 6


Dino Game